maandag 9 juli 2007

Peace and Smile Company stuff!

Hello everybody!

A new vid from the Peace and Smile Company --> PS Carnival tour 2005. (final digest)
I like this video allot because all the bands have a little talk at the beginning. (all their talking is right before the last live of the tour, it's quiet funny but I've no idea what they're saying XD) And of all the bands there are 2 pretty good (parts of) lives in this vid. (lives from the last performance of the tour, at Zepp Tokyo, 22/12/05)
The order of the ''final digests'' is Miyavi, Kagrra, Kra, The GazettE, Alice Nine.
The order of the lives is Kagrra, Alice Nine, The GazettE, Kra, Miyavi. Gosh, Miyavi's last performance is sooo Japanese. n__n I Love that weird kimono-jackets.
The little talks at the end before the ''encore'' are cute and the end with host Shoji Noriko (was host the whole tour, she's great! :D) is cute too.

Of course this won't be the only video of the PS Carnival tour 2005 that comes on my blog. I'll post more another time, but I'm very busy so I can't do it now. XD

These guys are really dorky and funny! ^^
So, enjoy and I'll post some more soon! ;-)

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