maandag 30 juli 2007

I'm kinda back...

Hello everybody!
(If there are people who visite my blog. XD)
I've been away for a wile. On holiday to France for 2 weeks. It was okay... although, I've been there for something like 13 times now. And almost every time in the same province (Bordeaux or Languedoc). So some things getting a little bored now. XD
Well, I don't have any pictures allready... and I don't think I'll post them overhere.
I don't think I've much news about the J-Rock world... because I didn't have any internet (or a pc) in France... and well, in Europe there's not much about J-Rock in magazines. :'(
The only news (isn't very intresting for you guys...) is that I bought the GazettE's Stacked Rubbish (regular version) and Kagrra's Shizuku. Both very nice albums... the first step to my big (I hope so...) J-Rock-cd-collection... okay, my first J-Rock/Visual Kei cd was NIL from the GazettE. Still my favorit... dah. :-)

That's that...
Post comments if you want to!! And ask things about all this shit if you need to!! ;-)

dinsdag 10 juli 2007

Some J-Rock News

Some J-Rock news for the GazettE fans:
The GazettE's new album, Stacked Rubbish, is released on the 4th of June, 2007 (in Holland, it is released on the 3rd in Japan, I guess). New singles like Chizuru (titlesong of the Japanese version from the movie ''Apartment'' - released on the 19th of Februari or May, sorry I totally forgot when) and Burial Applicant (not really my favorit) are on it (but the pv is cool!). I've uploaded some songs from the album, I like Filth in the beauty of course, but songs like MOB 136 BARS are okay too. It's not a bad album to listen to I think. In the Burial Applicant pv they're wearing latex/leather suits, very very nice! ^^
Picture: The GazettE in their new costumes! (Burial Applicant as you can see. ;-))
Some J-Rock news for Phantasmagoria fans:
Two bandmembers will leave the band. (which? I dunno... but if you're really a fan, you'll allready know it :-P) The band will not split up, but they're going to find two new members as soon as is possible. I have no idea what their names are and stuff, but I like their music pretty much! ^^

maandag 9 juli 2007

Happy Stuff! :D Yay!

I was surving on the internet and of course I found something. I clip from the times that Kagrra had happy pv's and was wearing fell coloured kimono's and stuff. (they make me wanna have a kimono ;-)) I like this song allot, Isshi sings sooo high and his smile is sooo cute! ^^ They all look very pretty in this pv! This is my new favorit song of them (beside Satsuki).
Song: Haru Urara - Kagrra.

Usually I'm not really into rap. Because rap is allways the same! You know, same music, same lyrics (sex, alcohol, money etc.) and same clips (half-naked (or totally naked) chicks). But LOONIE is so much better! Funny clip, sensitive real music (I mean: no studio music or not much). And no naked girls. XD
I love J-Rap! ;-)

Song: Haru Urara Hurara - LOONIE.

Funny: the titles look much like eachother AND it are both good songs. XD

Peace and Smile Company stuff!

Hello everybody!

A new vid from the Peace and Smile Company --> PS Carnival tour 2005. (final digest)
I like this video allot because all the bands have a little talk at the beginning. (all their talking is right before the last live of the tour, it's quiet funny but I've no idea what they're saying XD) And of all the bands there are 2 pretty good (parts of) lives in this vid. (lives from the last performance of the tour, at Zepp Tokyo, 22/12/05)
The order of the ''final digests'' is Miyavi, Kagrra, Kra, The GazettE, Alice Nine.
The order of the lives is Kagrra, Alice Nine, The GazettE, Kra, Miyavi. Gosh, Miyavi's last performance is sooo Japanese. n__n I Love that weird kimono-jackets.
The little talks at the end before the ''encore'' are cute and the end with host Shoji Noriko (was host the whole tour, she's great! :D) is cute too.

Of course this won't be the only video of the PS Carnival tour 2005 that comes on my blog. I'll post more another time, but I'm very busy so I can't do it now. XD

These guys are really dorky and funny! ^^
So, enjoy and I'll post some more soon! ;-)

zondag 8 juli 2007

The Peace and Smile Company (PSC).
Four bands and one solo singer/guitarist. (you'll see them in this order in the video: Kra, Alice Nine, The GazettE, Miyavi, Kagrra).
Those people have lots of fun in their lifes I guess.
I like them 'cause they make fantastic music, they're cute and weird too. XD

I promise you that this will not be the only vid of them that I'll post on my blog. This is just a preperation on what will come soon! ;-)

So relax, be stoned and have fun!!
(All the Miyavi talking at the beginning is just a little intro... it doesn't matter what they say, it sounds funny... my opinion... :-P)

zaterdag 7 juli 2007

First Post!!! ^^

The song Cassis from the Japanese Visual Kei/J-Rock band the GazettE.

The first Visual Kei song I've ever heard in my life. And still my favorit! It's like a dream. The singer (Ruki) has a beautiful strong voice, the guitarists (Aoi(acoustic and electric) and Uruha(electric) are sooo good, the bassist (Reita) is very cool (when he will take that bloody noseband off? :-S) and a good bassist too and the drummer (Kai) is very cute, and very strong... damn, his drumsolo's are fantastic but sooo long, how can he handle that? :-S Well, as you can read over here, I'm a big fan of this band. It's really a very good band!!! ^^ Love them! Sorry, had to leave the fangirl out for a moment. ;-)

Xx, MoiDeshima.

This is the
live version. They're so good live! This vers. is maybe better then the pv-version! ;-)