donderdag 23 augustus 2007

Want some Oshare-Kei?

Hello everybody!
I've decided to go on with my blog in Dutch cause that's easier for me. As you've seen, I'm not very good in English XD. So, sorry for all the international people that visit my blog (actually nobody visits my blog ;-)).

Dus we gaan verder in NE. Ik ontdek graag veel nieuwe bands zoals veel mensen wel weten (??). En natuuuuurlijk heb ik weer een nieuwe ontdekt.
Charlotte, een band die volgens mij tot nu toe behoorlijk underground is gebleven. Jammer genoeg. Want hun muziek is echt tof! Misschien een beetje de standaard Oshare-Kei maar dat boeit niet, hun clips zijn namelijk erg vrolijk. O.a. met Manga erin etc. Ze dragen ook altijd (tot nu toe) schoolkostuumpjes. Echt tof! Ze hebben echt lol in hun leven. ^^ Doe mij ook maar!
Maargoed, zoals ik al zei blijven ze nogal underground, ik heb dus nog nergens goeie info over ze kunnen vinden, helaas. In ieder geval vind ik dat mensen meer naar ze moeten luisteren, want dat zijn ze echtwel waard! Daarom heb ik hierbij 2 pv's van ze gepost. Ze zijn echt geweldig allebei! :-)

P.S. - Would anybody be so nice to download these (or one of them) for my? :-} I want them on mp3 you know, but my downloadprogram sucks. XD I should be so thankful!!! n___n

Charlotte - Yokohama Love Story

Charlotte - Diamond Busaiku

zondag 19 augustus 2007

Best Anti-War Song ever! (& GazettE's Saraba lyrics)

And now I'll introduce to you:
The best and most beautiful anti-war song I've ever heard in my entire life!
Those guys are really the best musicans I know! It seems that the guitarist (Uruha) has wrote the riffs of this while he was watching the sunset.
I just love this song... yeah, I know, the audience is a little bit quiet but when you read the lyrics (and especially when you're Japanese) you'll see why.

*Sorry if it's bad English, --> I've found the lyrics on youtube*

The GazettE - Saraba (Farewell)

A city during peace, today is also perfect Japanese weather.
Black airplane smoke, and the endless sounds of the air-raids.
Is Japan's peace over with this?
The radio and tv show all the victims of foreign countries.
Next is myself and a journalist who wouldn't talk.
The hypocrite who changed into a different person,
Decidedly said "war can't be helped".
No matter how much the anti-war voices sound they don't reach him.
Tell me, why do humans fight each other, when we're all the same?

Peace always spoils people, so modern Japan has gone crazy.
The government, police, schools, and families are all hurting each other.
Stop fooling around, please stop it, at this rate Japan will rot away.
Once long ago, people died for the country without any regrets.
Those of you living now, remember that someday.

Farewell those who have fallen for the country
Farewell those who have loved Japan
At this rate, surely no one will change Japan
The Hinomaru (sun's circle) will one day sink thats why I will sing.
I will sing all together.
Until the day that this world overflows with smiles
Sound this world.

So that no one hurts each other any more
I will sing all together.
And for those who sacrificed their bodies too
Sound this world.
Until the day the world overflows with happiness and smiles

Farewell. Those who have thrown away their lives to protect this country, to protect Japan.
I take pride at being born in that same Japan.
You have taught me with your bodies,
War's meaninglessness, sadness, pain, and death.
I won't forget it for my entire life.
Thank you. Farewell, those who have become the wind.
I will protect the Hinomaru (sun's circle).

woensdag 8 augustus 2007

the GazettE's Stacked Rubbish

Hello everybody,
you know that I've bought Stacked Rubbish (the GazettE)? Well, he's here now. Thanks to the hyper-fast postservice from Japan to Holland! :-)
I like the album allot. The begin (Art drawn by vormit) was kinda strange. Because they've put allot of hiphop elements in their music. And rap too. Very weird, but not bad, their lyrics are very nice too!
On the picture you see the limited edition, I have the regular edition.

Art drawn by vomit
Burial Applicant
Ganges ni akai bara
Calm Envy
Swallowtail on the death valley

Gentle Lie
Filth in the Beauty
Circle of Swindler
DVD: Burial Applicant
DVD: Chizuru -Film "Appartement" Ver.-

The last 2 are only on the limited edition.
Well, I like it, and I hope that there people with the same opinion! ^^
Now, I'm waiting on Shizuku (Kagrra). It's at the postoffice right now, but the postoffice is closed til 12 or something. :'(
Well, I'll keep on waiting!

woensdag 1 augustus 2007

My new Gold...

Hello everybody!
Yeah, I know, I've said to many times that Stacked Rubbish sucks (my opinion...). But after downloading some songs from the album. I thought allot different about my first words. Now I think it's a lovely album. So here is their newest single, Burial Applicant (with a weird clip... in the ''the GazettE'' way then... ;-))

So, in my last message I said that I bought not only Stacked Rubbish but also Shizuku, the newest album from the band Kagrra. I thought it would be good for me to listen to other bands beside the GazettE too. And I love Kagrra's numbers ''Satsuki'' and ''Haru Urara'' but I found my new favorit song from them. ''Utakata'', also the first song on Shizuku. I really want to share it with you so here he is. Enjoy!